
Friday, March 20, 2015

JNI / Android NDK

If you visit the Android developer page and read about Android's NDK, it will seam as if Google is trying to scare people from using it and just stick with Java. In most cases this will properly be the best idea. Java is a great language and does a good job for most tasks. However JNI is not as dangerous as Google is trying to make it. Most of Android is build on JNI and IPC. Information is being parsed in and out of JVM and between processes constantly, so why should applications not take advantage of this as well?

One thing to remember about JNI is that it creates a bit of overload to parse in and out of JVM. But depending on the task, this is not necessarily enough downside to keep away from it. The best way to figure out whether or not to use C/C++ or Java, is to test your task in both and then compare the result.

One good example of a task better suited for JNI could be some extensive file operations. For this example we will collect the content of the stat file for all currently running processes on a device. On my device running Android 5, we are talking about rounded 300 files. We add this to a loop which will run 100 times which in turn will create 3000 file read operations.

The first thing we need, is a basic activity to run our examples in.
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
  for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) {
   double start = System.nanoTime();
   int files = 0;
   for (int x=0; x < 100; x++) {
    String[] list = null;
    switch (i) {
     case 0: list = JavaCollector.collect(); break;
     case 1: list = NativeCollector.collect();
    files += list.length;
   double end = System.nanoTime();
   builder.append(i == 0 ? "JavaCollector" : "NativeCollector\n");
   builder.append("Files = " + files + "\n");
   builder.append("Time = " + ((end - start) * Math.pow(10, -9)) + " seconds\n");
  TextView view = (TextView) findViewById(;

We also need a Java method to do the collection work. We will separate the native method and the Java method into two files in this example. It makes it easier to keep an overview.
public class JavaCollector {
  * Re-defined regexp to match directories in /proc with process id's
 protected static final Pattern REFEXP_PID = Pattern.compile("^[0-9]+$");
  * The method that collects all the file data
 public static String[] collect() {
   * Get a listing from the /proc directory
  String[] procListing = new File("/proc").list();
   * Define our input stream
  BufferedReader in = null;
   * Create a temp container for the file output
  ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
   * Handle each entity in /proc
  for (String procEntity : procListing) {
    * We only want the pid directories
   if (REFEXP_PID.matcher(procEntity).matches()) {
    try {
      * Open the sub directory stat file
     in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/proc/" + procEntity + "/stat"));
      * Get the content of the stat file
    } catch (IOException e) {} finally {
     if (in != null) {
      try {
        * Close the file
       in = null;
      } catch (IOException e) {}
   * Create and return a string array
  return lines.toArray( new String[ lines.size() ] );

And we cannot compare the above Java class to JNI without a native example as well.
public class NativeCollector {
  * Load our collector library
 static {
  * This is really a call to Java_com_example_NativeCollector_collect() in collector.cpp
 public static native String[] collect();

JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_com_example_NativeCollector_collect(JNIEnv *env, jobject thisObj) {
  * Open /proc
 DIR* procDirectory = opendir("/proc");

 if (procDirectory != NULL) {
   * Create a temp container with minimum 100 indexes pre-allocated
  std::vector<std::string> lines(100);

   * Create an input stream
  std::ifstream in;

   * Create a variable for the proc entities
  struct dirent* procEntity;

   * Handle each entity in /proc
  while ((procEntity = readdir(procDirectory)) != NULL) {
    * We only want the pid directories
   if (std::regex_match (procEntity->d_name, std::regex("^[0-9]+$") )) {
     * Open the sub directory stat file
    std::string path = std::string("/proc/") + procEntity->d_name + "/stat"; path.c_str() );

    if (in && in.good()) {
      * Get the content of the stat file
     std::string line;
     std::getline(in, line);


     * Close the file
    if (in) {

   * Create Java return data
  if (lines.size() > 0) {
    * Create a Java array
   jobjectArray ret = env->NewObjectArray(lines.size(), env->FindClass("java/lang/String"), NULL);

   for (int i=0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
     * Place the line in a Java String
    jstring stringObject = env->NewStringUTF( lines[i].c_str() );

     * Add the Java String to the Java Array
    env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, i, stringObject);

     * Release the Java String reference.
     * Note: This is important. We can only have a limited ammount of Java objects
     * at a time and they are not auto released until we return to the JVM. And since we
     * are looping an unknown, but large, number of files, we could end up with a memory overflow.

    * Return the array to JVM
   return ret;

  * Return an empty array
 return env->NewObjectArray(0, env->FindClass("java/lang/String"), NULL);;

If we compile and run this application, we will get the following result:
  • JavaCollector$collect: 21.2 seconds
  • NativeCollector$collect: 2.7 seconds

    This is not just slightly faster than Java, this is 87% faster. 
This is only a simple example. If it should be used in a real application, then depending on the amount of files and amount of data, it might be a good idea to make some sort of iteration mechanism to avoid memory overflow. But as the result shows, it is sometimes a good idea to check whether or not a JNI solution might be better. Java is not always the correct solution. 

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